Prostate Cancer Weight Loss

Prostate Cancer Weight Loss

2018-08-31 0 By Karen Smith

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death, second only to lung cancer and affects around 20.6 percent Americans and 17.6 percent of Caucasians. This type of cancer affects 50% – 80% of men over 80 years of age and is diagnosed in more than 80% of men older than 65 years. The cause of this type of malignant tumor is still unknown but is linked to advancing age, heredity, testosterone hormone secretion, and effect of substances such as toxins, chemicals and industrial products in the environment. Prostate cancer rarely metastasizes; it remains confined in the gland until certain conditions cause it to spread to other organs like the lungs and the liver.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Weight Loss

The disease, during the early stage, usually does not cause appearance of signs or symptoms. In most cases, patients experience difficult urination, burning sensation during urination or blood in urine. Upon examination, physicians may detect the presence of a hard nodule in front of the rectum. This lump, nodule or cancer growth enlarges as time passes and presses on the urethra, diminishing urine output and making it difficult for the patient to urinate. Continuous enlargement of the tumor can completely block urine flow, resulting in painful urination and enlarged urinary bladder. Late stages of the cancer cause fatigue, body malaise and can lead to prostate cancer weight loss.

weighloss cancerDetection Techniques

Early detection of prostate cancer depends on two important screening tests, which include the digital rectal examination and prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing. In digital rectal examination, urologists usually look for an abnormal tissue growth or lump in front of the rectum. On the other hand, prostate specific antigen testing requires the determination of PSA level in blood samples. A concentration of four nanograms per milliliter in tested samples is suggestive of prostate cancer. Confirmation usually requires prostate biopsy and correlation of PSA level with other available data, including family history, age as well as the observable signs and symptoms.

With the available diagnostic and treatment measures, the number of those dying from prostate cancer has slowly decreased. However, many of those affected are either misdiagnosed, undiagnosed or have not undergone testing; thus, the need to encourage more men age 40 and above to undergo regular physical and laboratory examinations.